Strategy Overview

Defining the risk/return characteristics of our investments

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After an initial consultation, your Investment Advisor will ask you to complete our Client Profile. Answers to this short survey help us recommend investments that are within the context of your financial goals and risk tolerance.

We encourage you to take a look at the investments we offer, then Reach Out to us to discuss how our strategies may be incorporated into your portfolio.

Core, Core Plus, Value Add and Opportunistic are terms used to define the risk and return characteristics of an investment. The potential return from a Core investment is typically lower but with less risk. On the opposite end of the scale, an Opportunistic investment has a much greater potential for return, but at a significantly higher risk and often much more volatility. Multiple investments from different categories can be combined to help increase returns while also lowering risk.

Core Strategies

These are unleveraged, low-risk/low-potential return strategies with predictable cash flows. They generally do not experience significant appreciation in value but rather provide stable, predictable cash flow with relatively low risk. This type of investment suits investors who seek capital preservation and long hold periods.

Core Plus Strategies

Strategies that add instruments with greater risk and greater potential return to a core base of holdings with a specified objective. Core Plus strategies are often associated with fixed income funds, adding alternative investments such as high-yield, global and emerging market debt to a core portfolio of investment-grade bonds. Core Plus equity funds may also exist with a similar strategy using alternative investing to enhance the return from a core market segment.

Value Add Strategies

Investments that generate higher financial returns to investors than core investments due to their potential appreciation in value, however these investments bear more risk.

Opportunistic Strategies

These investments can provide exposure to distinctive sources of return but may carry greater risk. They may help to diversify portfolios by providing returns that are largely uncorrelated with many traditional assets.