CNL Strategic Capital, LLC is a company that owns private companies and seeks to provide long-term growth and monthly income to retail and institutional investors. This investment is sub-managed by Levine Leichtman.
IMPORTANT NOTE: performance data shown in this manager's fact sheets do not include HWM management fees. For more information on HWM advisory fees for Managed Strategies programs, please refer to the WIA ADV Part 2A.

CNL Strategic Capital
CNL Strategic Capital is a company that owns private companies and seeks to provide long-term growth and monthly income by offering:
- First-time access to this private equity strategy, historically limited to large institutional investors
- The potential for meaningful returns outside of public financial markets
- An experienced management team: CNL Financial Group, an investment management firm with over 45 years of history, and Levine Leichtman Capital Partners, an institutional asset manager with 35+ years of history
This investment is speculative, has substantial costs, and differs from traditional private equity.
Be sure to download and review the CNL Investor Kit (Class I Share).