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ZEGA Financial was founded in 2011 with the philosophy that they see a different way to invest. Understanding risk and reward is their passion. They like to say that risk is what you take on; return is what you plan for. They use complex tactics to take profit, and protect from volatility, in the marketplace. They like the options calculus, but they understand the fundamentals.

IMPORTANT NOTE: performance data shown in this manager's fact sheets do not include HWM management fees. For more information on HWM advisory fees for Managed Strategies programs, please refer to the WIA ADV Part 2A.

ZEGA HiPOS Conservative

ZEGA’s High Probability Options Strategy (HiPOS) Conservative is an alternative investment strategy that generates returns by selling options on major equity indexes in an attempt to take advantage of volatility in the markets. They use a very disciplined approach and only invest when targeted returns exceed calculated risk. The positions have expirations within 30 days and the strike price must be far enough out-of-the-money, thus the low probability that the option will be exercised.

ZEGA Buffered index Growth (ZBIG) - Leveraged

ZBIG Leveraged is a complement or replacement for large-cap equity allocations. It aims to provide upside market exposure greater than the S&P 500 when markets appreciate, while employing a buffered zone of protection designed to provide protection against losses. The strategy swaps out stock risk for short duration high yield fixed income risk within the buffered zone. It is designed for a fixed holding period of 18 to 36 months, but positions are liquid and permit early exits, if needed.

ZEGA Buffered Index Growth (ZBIG) - Standard

ZBIG Standard also employs a buffered zone of protection, while seeking to provide upside market exposure at levels comparable to the S&P 500. It is designed for a fixed holding period of 18 to 36 months, but positions are liquid and permit early exits, if needed.

ZEGA Buffered Index Growth (ZBIG) - IRA

ZBIG IRA also employs a buffered zone of protection, while seeking to participate in 70-80% of the growth of the S&P 500. It is designed for a fixed holding period of 18 to 36 months, but positions are liquid and permit early exits, if needed. This strategy typically has lower volatility than the underlying index and can help you reduce the risk in your porfolio by substituting this strategy for the underlying index. It is designed for use in an IRA account, but can also be used by investors looking for reduced volatility.

ZEGA Dividend Max

The ZEGA Dividend Max is an ETF portfolio made up of 10-20 high dividend ETFs. Some of the ETFs in the portfolio may be individual stock ETFs that deploy an options income strategy designed to produce higher monthly income. Tactics within the ETFs includes active management selling call options on either the underlying asset or a synthetic long asset. The goal is to harvest compelling yields while retaining capped participation in the price gains of individual stocks.

View our Dividend Max webinar

View our Dividend Max webinar

Derek Moore and Mike Puck of ZEGA Investments discuss ZEGA Dividend Max and Concentrated Stock Hedge strategies.

View our ZBIG webinar

View our ZBIG webinar

Jay Pestrichelli, Co-Founder of ZEGA Financial, LLC, joins Henry Rohlfs of Halbert Wealth Management to discuss the ZEGA Buffered Index Growth Strategy (ZBIG).